
Modbus Gateway Solutions is a serial communication protocol which was firstly published by Medicon in1979 to use in PLCs (Programmable logic controller). It is a standard communication protocol which is easily available means of connecting industrial devices.

It is used in multiple master -slave applications to monitor & program devices & to communicate between intelligent devices & sensors & instruments to monitor field devices using PCs & HMs. There are two kinds of Modbus Protocols; Modbus RTU & Modbus TCP.


Modbus RTU

It is a Master – slave configuration where in only one Master device that communicates over a single loop with multiple slave devices. It uses the physical interfaces like RS 485 – RS 232.


Modbus TCP/IP

It is a Client – server configuration where in one or more than one Master device communicates with single devices. It runs on an Ethernet physical layer.


Advantages of Modbus Gateway Solutions

It builds an easy connection to Medicon of Honeywell systems.

It is very much suitable for small to medium volumes of data (<=255 bytes).

It enables acknowledged data transfer.



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