JSON stands for Java Script Object Notation. Storing and Transporting data in JSON is uncomplicated and is often being used when data is sent from a server to a Web Page. It is self-describing and very easy to understand.


Application of JSON

It is widely used in programming of browser extension & websites that are written in JAVA SCRIPT language.

It is data format that is used to parse the structured data between a client server in the web applications.

It is majorly used in the serialization transmission of the structured data over the network.

In order to provide a public data, JSON formal is used to program web services & API’s.

As it is a language independent data format, it widens the scope & its use with the other programming language.

JSON is very easy to read & write. It is based on simple text with a light weight data interchange format.

As JSON is language independent, it can be used with multiple programming language such as JS, C, C++, PHP, Python, Ruby, PERL, JAVA/J2EE & many more.



Extensible Markup Language is a markup language which describes a set of rules for encoding documents in human-readable and machine-readable format. XML was designed to store and transport data.


Application of XML

XML uses human language and it is readable and understandable. When compared to HTML, XML is easy to code.

XML is totally compatible with JAVA and is fully portable.

XML is extendable. It allows you to create your own tags or even use tags created by others which uses the natural language of your domain which have the required attributes.


Uses of XML

Web publishing

Web searching and automating web tasks.

General applications

E-business applications

Metadata applications.

Pervasive computing.


Our Solutions on JSON/XML Gateway

BACnet – JSON/XML Gateway

Modbus – JSON/XML Gateway




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